Alien skin eye candy 7 review
Alien skin eye candy 7 review

alien skin eye candy 7 review

Noel's Starfilter Pro 4 got a few recommendations in another thread today, and that is an excellent example of how a plugin should work. I've written to them suggesting I'd be willing to pay for updated versions, but didn't get a reply. They produce nice results, but the UIs are hopeless. It's a similar story with the Flaming Pear plugins. Photoshop: How can I get get Corel's KPT Filters to work in Photoshop CS5? | Photoshop Family Custom.


That's a real pity as I'd pay serious money for the full KPT suite that waorked reliably on 64 bit Photoshop versions. Reading between the lines, it sounds like the KPT code was a bit untidy and took a few shortcuts. There is a bit of a clue in this long thread on the Feedback site where at least one RC (Relentlessly Clueless) poster refuses to understand Chris Cox's uncharacteristically patient explanations.

alien skin eye candy 7 review

Or more likely Kai Krause got bored with it after Corel bought him out, and without his help they didn't know what to do with it.

alien skin eye candy 7 review

The nearest plugin to Eye Candy is Kai Power Tools, which was ahead of its time, but was bought by Corel who got bored and stopped developing it. As for Adobe buying out Alien Skin, I can't think why that would be any more likely than them purchasing Topaz Software, On One, NIK (too late for that one) etc. The Chrome effect is one I have seen Steve comment on. Even people like Steve Caplin uses Eye Candy 7, because it saves him time.

Alien skin eye candy 7 review